CosmoGRaPH v0.0
CosmoGRaPH Code

Cosmological General Relativity And (Perfect fluid | Particle) Hydrodynamics Code

But we'll see about the "particle" part.

Some additional information can be found on the github pages CosmoGRaPH page.

Software dependencies

To install these on on linux (Ubuntu, Mint), run a command like:

1 {r,}
2 sudo apt-get install git cmake libhdf5-serial-dev fftw3-dev libzip-dev g++

Obtaining up the code

Optionally clone submodules. The code should compile and run without the submodules, however some functionality may not exist.

Running tests

In order to make sure the code is working, you can try running the provided tests script. This script is run by travis-ci as well, in an effort to detect problems introduced by changes to the code. Once you have cloned the code and submodules, you can run:

1 {r,}
2 ./scripts/

Compiling the Code

In order to compile the code, you will need to create a build directory, cd to this directory, run cmake, then run make. For example,

1 {r,}
2 mkdir build
3 cd build
4 cmake ..
5 make

To the extent different compile-time options are available, they are enumerated in a cmake file. You can add these by supplying an appropriate argument to cmake. For example, to change the resolution to N=32, the cmake command will be

1 {r,}
2 cmake -DCOSMO_N=32 ..

Deploy script

In the scripts directory, a bash script exists to help deploy BSSN+dust runs quickly. Run --help for some usage details.

Running the code

The generated executable should accept a single configuration file as a parameter. The configuration parameter contains various runtime options that can be updated without needing to recompile. For example, in order to run a 'test' simulation of a pure-dust universe, the corresponding command would be

1 {r,}
2 ./cosmo ../config/dust_test.txt

Viewing output

A Mathematica notebook is available (plots.nb) demonstrating some basic processing of output files for plotting. In order to understand what is in a given output file, you may need to look at the IO/ file.


CosmoGRaPH is under heavy development, and as such, all functionality is not only subject to change; but no support is currently offered. You are nevertheless welcome to use and modify the code in its present form.

Doxygen documentation can be generated by running

1 {r,}
2 doxygen docs/Doxyfile

from the main directory. Additional documentation and information may be available in the docs directory, but this is not guaranteed to be up-to-date. 'Collaboration diagrams' can also be generated for the code by doxygen provided the graphviz library is available. To install this on Ubuntu systems, a command like sudo apt-get install graphviz should work.